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This Month:

Zach’s Artists are applying inspiration from architects with this research-based project. They will sketch and build structures with popsicle sticks.

Kathryn’s Latin I students are doing high level research with this project about Roman Villas.

Psychology students with Deidre are employing quality research resources, too. They are evaluating their sources with questions.

This month: Horror– our scariest books! Stephen King Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Hispanic Heritage books Science Fair Books The SCIENCE of baking

Brownies n Books:  Sign up to lead or contribute to sessions for next fall on this schedule!

It’s a new year and a new group of reading groups / book clubs is burgeoning onto H-B’s scene. Town Meeting Minutes for Aug. 29 have some of the lively ideas and the menu above for H-B’s public web site provides you access. Will you join a reading group about Genetics? The November Election? Young Democrats? Young Republicans? The Gladiators Group reading about Ancient Rome? See Maggie for details.

Welcome Reina as our new Middle School Librarian! Reina and Maggie serve all of our students, but Reina’s special focus will be Middle School, and Maggie will focus on needs of high schoolers.

Here’s how to check your library account for books you owe.

Help Maggie and Reina buy the books you’ll need this year including biographies for grade 8, National History Day in grade 9, and the Primary Sources Paper in grade 10 on a personalized interest. Use this link.

Fall gives new opportunities to start Book Clubs! students who are planning to start their own book club and can apply the library’s notes and tips!  Rosie, our Activities Director will help you succeed!  Maggie can support you to use the Spread the Word link at the bottom of H-B’s home page to get your announcement on the PA system, on the scrolling announcements in the hallway and on the school’s social media. Visit her for help!

College Ready with Research Skills? Join our pilot project. Interested 9th graders can work with Liz and Maggie to “badge” students whose work demonstrates their advancing skill. Spreadsheet (make a copy and share it with L and M.) See Maggie to get involved.H-B's Nicola was state champion for scenario writing in the Future Problem Solving Scenario Writing competition, and Finn came in second. They are pictured.

Future Problem Solving Club: We’re so proud! Nicola became the FPS International Champion!  And congratulations to her and Finn who came in first and second for the state-wide creative writing competition that centers upon evolving technology and global challenges. Details are at VAFPS. Join the club where creative writers will take on these topics:  Tourism, Urbanization, Antarctica, Autonomous Transportation. You will enjoy a little research with the club’s resources and write a story in the dystopia genre! Maggie is the club’s sponsor. Creative writers can ask her or Nicola for more information!

E-content (some of it) is continuing to change locations this year!  See how H-B’s newest e-books and audio-books will appear in the SORA app which is on the list of APS Library Databases.

Showing a magazine cover from The New Yorker, image say, For Comics! For over 100 Magazines including The New Yorker, Use the SORA app at "APS Library Resources" databases list at Canvas.

Track a new goal this year with an individualized reading contract. Meet with Maggie for support. It’s a application of one of our Four Pillars: Self-Directed Learning.

A pile of brownies is pictured with text saying Brownies n Books. I blocks.

Our schedule for Brownies -n- Books and information about joining a reading group provide great community building and service opportunities.  What will you lead?  Need ideas?  The schedule models diverse ways to share your voice, passions and library resources during I-Blocks.


Skills Focus:

Our Research Guides linked here support specific research projects assigned at HBW. Use them to develop skills targeted for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. Explore the menu there to find the databases recommended for art, fashion, history, science and more!

Report to Maggie your research topic/question to get additional support and recommended resources. Meet with Maggie afterward for support. Using your APS Google login… High Schoolers use this form for Science Fair and Science Expo projects, NHD, PSP, Capstone, Sociology and projects of all kinds.

Community Building:

9th Graders help the library build a “collection” in the library’s catalog of the favorite books. Suggest a title to Maggie to be added since it will help other readers discover great YA fiction.

Suggest a book that you want us to purchase for our collection: link.

Personal Reading Goal for 2024-25: If you would like support from the library to reach a personal goal for your reading, you can record it at (or login to APS Google and access the Personalized Reading Goal Google Form.)  Consult individualized reading contract for some great ideas to stretch yourself through self-directed learning!

It won’t take long for you to see where books are shelved in our library.  Does this map help?

Can you guess where each call number is shelved?  Hint:  look at the top and the bottom of each spine label that appears in the picture below!

A display of spine labels lists the following call numbers: 1) F-Alc, 2) B-Kin, 3) F-Kor QP, 4) E-Pet, 5 SC Kra, 6 973.6 - Law, 7) F-Daw-GN, 8 F-For-EB, B-Bus-AB, F-Dav SPA

Learn more about call numbers and their related locations in the library

Color coded map of The Heights Library.

Library Hours: 8:45 – 4:10.        Maggie Carpenter, Librarian (especially for high school)    Reina Malakoff, Librarian (especially for Middle School

Two Programs:  Our library at The Heights Building provides materials to students from two programs:  H-B Woodlawn (grades 6-12 as well as adult English Language Learners) where Maggie and Carol serve, and APS’s Shriver Program (serving older students with special needs.) From our facility, you can check out books ranging across reading levels from pre-reading to advanced college level research.

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