
Logistics for HBW Library

NEW! Your library books have a 3-week checkout period.

During the last days of your loan, you can renew them (once!) online using the section “My Stuff” section of the library catalog after you login.

  1. Lost a book? Just email carol . burger (no spaces) with the details. We will need to bill you to replace it, but we’ll get it re-ordered for other patrons right away.
  2. Look up the titles you owe the library by clicking the library catalog open. Then apply your APS My Access username and password to login to the catalog. Find your checkouts listed in our Destiny Discover catalog under “My Stuff.”

Log in to the catalog with APS MyAccess Credentials. Use the Collections button to access recommended reading lists across genres. The Magnifying glass is used to conduct a search. Explore the "Learning Resources" at the library's web pages. Find book check outs and due dates under "My Stuff."