
PAC Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2021

PAC meeting notes, 1/19/21

Next PAC meeting will be Feb. 16th at 7:30 pm.

Thank you to the parents who volunteered to be hosts for the grade level virtual happy hours!

Box Tops program – there is an app-based version for this program. Download the app and scan the receipts. Please connect the app to HB Woodlawn and we can start earning more money for our school.

Casey’s Report

  • We are a little less than two weeks until the end of the second quarter, end of the first semester.
  • We plan to have two days called HB Pillars Days, which will provide the HB staff and students the opportunity to reflect on the first semester, engage in grade level activities, have Feb Fest, and have a chance to refocus on HB’s core values before moving into the second semester.
  • Updates for second semester schedules for middle school students will becoming next week in TA.
  • HB staff are beginning to get their first vaccination shots.
  • Casey, Graham, and Kate are talking about and planning for when students will return to school.
  • Professional development will be happening for teachers to assist them in preparing for the return to school.
  • Middle school parents – as we shift semesters, it is extremely likely your middle school student might be changing classes and their schedules might shift a bit. On the afternoon of Feb. 1, there will be another materials pickup for the second semester classes. If you miss that date or if it is not convenient, just call the main office and arrangements can be made for a different pick-up day/time.
  • The concurrent model of instruction will be happening once students are back in the building – professional development will be provided for HB staff. There are different models for how to make the concurrent model work in terms of instruction. We are encouraging teachers to return the week of 2/1 so teachers can try out different strategies and trouble shootpossible issues.
  • Approximately 2/3 of the students opted for hybrid and 1/3 opted to remain virtual.
  • Outdoor spaces will be able to be used in some ways, but they are not going to be great classrooms because of the construction happening around the school property and the noise that comes with being situated in downtown Rosslyn. Lunch outside will be encouraged. The construction company that built the school is rebuilding one of the terraces due to issues that occurred when initially building the terrace. This is why there is a large crane on the field.
  • Most likely students who are new to HB will have a chance to be oriented to the building prior to students returning to the building.

Course Selection Process.

  • The process happens under the guidance of your student’s TA and of course, the parents.
  • In mid-February, there will be a TA session dedicated to this discussion.Students look at their Education and Career Planning Form to note what they have already taken and will then plan what they will take next year and the following year(s). This year, students will use a Google form to communicate what classes they wish to take next school year. TAs will be checking to see what students submit and there will be a place for parents to add their name (signature) to the form.
  • Allocation meetings happen, HB staff build the master school schedule, and then arena scheduling occurs in June.

Breakout meetings occurred for parents of middle schoolers facilitated by Graham and for parents of high schoolers by Casey to discuss course planning for next year.