
Substance Abuse

Recommended Databases –   how to access.

  • Teen Health and Wellness from Rosen – provides MLA citations at the bottom of each resource.  This database is the perfect starting spot. It will be discontinued in 2024 for lack of use across the county.
  • Health and Wellness from Gale
  • Science in Context from Gale- provides MLA citations under “citation tools”
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context – from Gale – learn both sides of any issue through magazine, newspapers, primary sources, and more.
  • Book inside the Gale E-Books: Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior 

Recommended Web Sites:


In our book collection, go to Dewey Decimal # 362 for books on substance abuse.  These books are EXCELLENT for answering all your research questions.

Research Skills Development:

  1. How to Access H-B’s online databases
  2. Using the Catalog to search for library books 
  3. Why Use Databases?
  4. Why Start Research with a Reference Article?
  5. Model of a proper MLA Bibliography
  6. How to make a bibliography
  7. Citation – MLA and APA


Resources for Addicts and People in Recovery:

At H-B, our Substance Abuse Counselor Siobhan recommends these helpful Web sites for people in recovery:

Above the Influence


AARI – Arlington Addition Recovery Initiative

National Harm Reduction Organization:

National Association for Children of Addiction

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

I am Sober: Sobriety App


Library Books about Substance Abuse and Depression / Mental Health  and  Grief