

How to Access Social Studies, Geography and Religion Databases
Why use Databases?

Databases that help in the Exploration of Religion:

  • Religions database from Infobase is entirely dedicated to the study of religion. Find primary sources such as religious texts, videos of ceremonies, historical timelines, explanations of beliefs, etc.  Report any challenges working with this database to the librarian so that she can trouble-shoot the technology issues if you face any– thanks!  Changing browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) often solves the matter.  Use MackinVia to access it.
  • World History in Context from Gale – access with MackinVia. Do a search for the name of the religion or religious term and see if they have an article that originated in a “Reference” source such as an Encyclopedia. The database also provides current events related to religion in the “News” section.
  • JSTOR – for scholarly journals
  • Proquest E-Book Central for books  Use MackinVia to access it.
  • Ebsco Host – click “research databases” when it opens and de-select ERIC and K-8 resources before you enter your search terms. Use Boolean Operators and the database’s filters to narrow your sources if your results overwhelm you.
  • Use our “News/Current Events” Research Guide for reputable sources and analysis.
  • is a web site that analyzes international relations. It has a fantastic primary sources section with speeches by world leaders.
  • Lives of Religious Figures:  Biography in Context from Gale

Questions scholars ask about Religionsee list