

How to Access all Social Studies, Geography and History Databases         Why use Databases?


Browse the 900’s on our nonfiction shelves as well as the Biography section. But ALSO:

Searching the library’s Catalog called “Destiny Discover” will provide a thorough listing of books that might fall under a different number of the Dewey Decimal System and provide excellent history related to that area of knowledge.

Database resources for your project:

      • Gale’s Databases:
        • Opposing Viewpoints in Context (provides a menu of issues to browse for a range of resources related to each… and clearly labels reference articles as well as opinion pieces.)
        • US History in Context
        • World History in Context
        • Biography in Context
        • Pop Culture from Gale –under “databases” in MackinVia (in your teacher’s Canvas course.)
      • SALEM (if it’s a topic from years 1800 – 2001) or Ancient History -under “databases” in MackinVia (in your teacher’s Canvas course.)
      • J-Stor

      • ProQuest E-book Central -= 100,000 e-books -under “databases” in MackinVia

Don’t miss the SUBJECT GUIDES provided at the right hand menu.