
Ancient Rome – Kathryn’s research

Part 1

At your table, record 3-7 reasons why we use library databases for research.

Part 2

Select this week’s topic for research. (We’ll focus on a new topic next week.)

Roman Villa

Roman Colosseum



Mt. Vesuvius


Roman Roads

(etc. Get approval from Kathryn for your topic.)




Part 3

Generate 3 research questions about this topic.

How…. Which…. and Why… questions are very interesting!

Then generate the SEARCH TERMS that you can use in search engines to get resources that will answer your questions or define important new vocabulary, examples, related people and places for understanding your topic.


Part 4:   Research with the library’s resources.

Work with NoodleTools to create a project called 7 Kathryn Culture 2024.

Share that project with the appropriate “Kathryn” inbox. Notice that doing so provides a link back to this assignment page. (Find it under the “chainlink” in your left hand blue menu.)

Part 5: Gather resources and develop your citations into your NoodleTools project. From each source citation, launch “new” notecards. Aim to add at least 5-10 short notecards each study session (or more as directed by Kathryn.)  She will review your progress online, so manage your time well and don’t miss due dates. Tips for Notecarding in NoodleTools. Your notes can describe, define terms, and each should have a unique and descriptive topic in the “title” section of the card. When your source is a book, make sure you record the page number from which you pulled your fact.

Start with a Reference Source. but not Wikipedia.  You must use:

  • Britannica
  • World Book
  • World History in Context
  • You may use the sources that Wikipedia refers you to when you turn to additional “Wide Open Internet Searching” if you examine them for bias and quality. Don’t use junk pages.

Your growing bibliography will show your skill for using professionally researched and curated resources (a “college prep” skill.) You may also use books from the library.  The library catalog (a search engine for the library’s books) is linked from all of the library’s web pages on the public H-B web site.

Lesson support:

Why use databases?

Why start with a Reference Source?

How to access the databases.

Exporting your citations into a proper bibliography in Google Drive.

Part 6 in Spring

Final Project: Through the year you are developing background for a creative project to show off your understanding of the culture of Ancient Rome. You will encounter many topics, but your end-of-year project will be a creative display (a document, poster, booklet) of your deeper learnings about only one focused topic that you researched at any time of the year. You will export to Google Drive and print out to attach a full bibliography of 20-30 professionally researched sources that will reflect the year-long work and your advancing research skills.   Bibliography Checklist.  You will not receive full credit without citing your sources in an MLA style “Works Cited list.”