
Old Page – Town Meeting Verbum Sap Sat

See the agenda for the next meeting or view the minutes during the meetings live!! 

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Chair TOWN
makysha Jordan

Town Meeting is the governing body of H-B Woodlawn.  All students, staff, parents and alumni have an equal vote.  Democratic decision-making that gives all members of our community an equal voice is a fundamental way in which our school is unique.

Town Meeting meets most Thursday mornings from 9:24am to10:15am in the library.  A few times a year TM is cancelled or moved due to other scheduling issues.

See what’s on the agenda for the next Town Meeting.

View the minutes of Town Meeting live.

Check out the archive of minutes from Town Meeting here.

Town meeting uses Roberts Rules of Order.  Why does Town Meeting need order?  What are the rules?  Click here to see Robert’s rules of H-B Woodlawn Town Meeting .

H-B Woodlawn is governed by our Constitution.  Check to the left to see the H-B Woodlawn Constitution.