
Stratford Jr. High 1951 – 1978

Stratford was a junior high school which held grades 7-9. Stratford had an array of sports teams, ranging from a successful football team to tennis and wrestling teams. Stratford students heard a loud ringing bell before each class, demanding attendance. Patrols roamed the halls and kept them “skipper free.” 1070 students pushed the school’s size limit compared to the 650 today. At first glance, Stratford Junior High School looks like just any other generic junior high school of the day but it was far more than that.

In the yearbook, graduating students would explain what they left behind after their experience; very much like the senior quotes left on their building’s walls today. Like H-B Woodlawn, Stratford (despite it’s size) had a tightly knit community that should not be forgotten. The school closed in 1978 because of a declining population in Arlington and general favor of a middle school system (grades 6, 7 and 8).

-Matt Beckwith