
Timeline and Articles


Christy Mach's Thesis

Christy Mach, a 1992 H-B alum, wrote a senior thesis titled A Study of H-B Woodlawn: An Alternative Program in April 1996.  Her thesis was submitted to History Department of the University of Pennsylvania to support her candidacy for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors in American History.  We are very grateful for her work at collecting and sharing our history.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One – Arlington County Virginia: Setting the Stage for Alternative Education (Pages 16-23 give background to formation of an alternative program)
  • Chapter Two – The New School Movement (How Woodlawn was created)
  • Chapter Three – The Woodlawn Program: Its First Year (1971-72)
  • Chapter Four – Woodlawn: The Middle Years (1971-78)
  • Chapter Five – A Different Alternative: The Hoffman-Boston Program (1972-73)
  • Chapter Six – Hoffman-Boston: The Middle Years (1973-78)
  • Chapter Seven – When Alternatives Collide (1977-78)
  • Chapter Seven – Chapter Eight – H-B Woodlawn: Conflict and Compromise (1978-79
  • Chapter Nine – Chapter Nine – The Program Evolves (1979-1996)
  • Sources
  • Complete Thesis

Underground Student Handbooks


Stratford historical marker

National Historic Registry – Application to have Stratford School building (H-B Woodlawn building) added to the National Registry

Urban Arlington County – Arlington Historical Society

A Local Answer to the Integration Challenge – Washington Post – Sept. 8, 2007

Links to additional articles about the lawsuit

Farewell to Hippie High – Washington Post – June 13, 2004 Article interviewing Ray Anderson before he retired

H-B Woodlawn School Profile 2010-11 School Year

Washington Post Challenge Index