
My Colony’s Better than Yours

Recruit settlers to your Colony:

The ESPRAT+G questions help you research how economies developed due to the geographical features of the colony. For this exercise, focus on just these two sets of questions:

  • Geographical features
  • Economy

Today you will work to recruit people to build your colony: Georgia. You want to explore resources to learn…

  1. For people living in Georgia, how did the geographical features make it easy –or challenging– to make a living?
  2. How did people feed their families? How did they make a living in colonial times and possibly become wealthy based on what NATURE gave them to labor with in Georgia?
  3. How much were people in colonial Georgia self-sufficient? By contrast, how much did life require that they be inter-dependent and specialized in their skills?

We use library databases for fast research at H-B.

  • Why? (Be able to explain at least 6 reasons! Include information about citations.)
  • How do we access them?  (See the library’s yellow handout. Always use SAFARI instead of the MackinVia App for ease with the databases.) Help with passwords if you get stuck.

Working with the Kids Infobase and US History in Context Databases.

You will develop skill, in time, to be fast at searching and finding your own articles. But today, let’s look at some articles on Georgia’s Economy in Colonial Times that have been discovered for you!  Using the three questions above, see if you can jot down answers to your research questions. Also, in each database below, see if you can locate the section of the database where you can find a citation and also a stable URL to the article (i.e. a permanent link.)

Source 1 – image

Source 2 – Thirteen Colonies (brief, with map)

Source 3 – Use “Geography” and “Oglethorpe’s Colony” sections.

Source 4 – Georgia: Visual Geography. Notice that this source is about Georgia TODAY. Will it answer any of your questions about Georgia in Colonial Times?

Source 5 – Why did James Oglethorpe establish Georgia? Begin in the paragraph above “Georgia Plan”

Source 6 – Indentured Servitude

Source 7 – Atlantic Slave Trade

Source 8 – Long Article explaining many ways the 13 colonial economies formed and communicated. If you persist with this article, you can learn A LOT! But give yourself time!

Source 9 – Trading

Source 10 – What did people eat in Colonial America?

More Instructional support:

  • Why Use Databases? Make sure you know how to gather a citation and a “stable link” back to the source.
  • How to cite a book for your bibliography (punctuation provided in red):

Author last name, Author First name. Title Underlined. Publisher, Year of publication. 


Smith, Mary. New Jersey in Colonial Times. Oxford, 2013.


Further Learning:

Using Safari to open the databases…

Bookmark or add a shortcut from your homescreen to this link: the page.  We use it go into MackinVia.  Then click “databases” and use THESE ones:


By now you might feel concerned that books can be more useful for your research. A combination of different kinds of resources is best because HISTORY is often best told in books where students. In books, you have helpful text features, graphics, and a layout that is enjoyable to scan.  We also use books for research and they are often more rich in illustrations than databases are.  Books:  The Dewey Decimal System puts our books about colonial America at these numbers: 970.2 and 970.3